It could be a rough holiday season for many small businesses across Wayne County.

With more restrictions coming from the state as COVID-19 case numbers increase, it’s hard not to worry about what could happen to a favorite restaurant or shop. Wayne County officials hope the efforts already made, as well as new efforts, will help mitigate those issues.

“We all know that during the pandemic, small businesses have taken a significant hit, and I’m happy and proud to say that Wayne County has been as responsive as anyone to the needs of small business during the pandemic,” Khalil Rahal, an assistant Wayne County executive, said. “With all the things that we have done, we know more is needed.”

Enter a new tool from Wayne County to help connect shoppers connect with small businesses from Northville to Grosse Pointe to Rockwood: Using $50,000 from the coronavirus relief bill approved by the federal government earlier this year, Wayne County has an online marketing tool for small businesses across the county to help connect shoppers with local merchants for their holiday spending.  Read more here

Author Name David Veselenak
Publication Date 11.23.2020