The City of Farmington recently installed a World War II commemorative plaque in Memorial Park as part of the Michigan World War II Historical Trail. The plaque, which was unanimously approved by Farmington City Council, was installed in time for Memorial Day.

The Michigan World War II Historic Trail is a program for communities across the state to celebrate their war heroes and triumphs at specific points of interest. This particular plaque notes that in March 1945, a Japanese “Fu-Go” balloon bomb landed in Farmington on the property of John T. Cook near Farmington and Eight Mile roads. During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army launched more than 9,300 “Fu-Go” bombs — balloons made of paper and potato paste, filled with hydrogen and affixed to incendiary explosives. They were released from the island of Honshu, and timed to ride the jet stream to the United States. About 280 balloons made it. An Army Services report concluded that one of these landed in Farmington in late March 1945. Fortunately, the ensuing fire lasted only a few minutes and caused no damage.

“This is a really interesting story that needs to be remembered,” said Farmington City Manager David Murphy. “This legacy memorial recognizes Farmington and its footstep on Michigan’s World War II Historic Trail.”

This memorial is part of the Michigan World War II Legacy Memorial Program: The Michigan WWII Legacy Memorial is in Royal Oak, Farmington is the first city to become part of the trial.

“We are proud to be the first community to join the trial,” concluded Murphy.
Memorial Park is in downtown Farmington, just west of the Mason Lodge. 

Author Name: City of Farmington
Publication Date: May 2024